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Forced labor and child labor is pervasive in the food and beverages we consume everyday. Remember, every time you buy something, you are voting with your wallet. If you would like to help put an end to modern slavery right now, you can do so by becoming a more responsible consumer. To help you achieve this, we have compiled a list, courtesy of KnowTheChain’s 2018 Food and Beverage Benchmark Findings Report.
The scores are based on how companies perform across seven themes:
Commitment and Governance
Traceability and Risk Assessment
Purchasing Practices
Monitoring and Remedy
Worker Voice
These are the Food & Beverage companies that scored over 40/100 that you can BUY from
(click on their logos to see some of their products)

Consumers can BUY their products,
safe in the knowledge they come from companies who are substantially working
towards eradicating forced labor and child labor from their supply chains.
These are some of the Food & Beverage companies that scored below 30/100 that you can AVOID
(click on their logos to see some of their products)

Conscientious consumers can AVOID these products,
and use your voice on social media to encourage these companies to address
child labor and forced labor in their supply chains.
If you absolutely love a product and just can’t give it up then Tweet at the company and ask them to do better. Just add the Twitter handle of the company you are speaking to at the front of your tweet, when you are ready click “tweet” and your voice will be heard.